Align your mind with ur Soul Shine
My American experience
has given me much.
Diversified education
to me is a must.
There's beauty in all cultures,
in all religions too.
We find our own places
this we're free to do.
"Melting pot" product,
child of Liberty
Don't care where you came from
or who's in your family tree,
You are my sister,
You are my brother,
I love You
We stand unified
to uphold human rights
and freedom of choice,
our passions, we voice!
Existing within
the candystore metaphor,
gives us great power
to use our free will.
Many have struggled
and paid a high price
to ensure our freedom
through their sacrifice.
We honor our warriors
and ancestors too,
who fought for us
and our right to choose!
Freedom is a human right!
Pass it on!
When I lay my body down - and slip out without a sound
those that gather and come around - may remember this when I'm found...
Please, if you will honor me - with gifts of soft petals and grand wreaths
take them instead to someone else - who needs a lift to boost their health.
For the beauty of flowers is meant - to calm and heal with joyful intent,
to brighten the lives of mortal folk - not to adorn a cast off cloak.
When my spirit stops to look back - I'll be so happy if in fact
Flowers to honor life are spread - to the living, not the dead.
So if you think to honor me - share your gifts with my family,
but don't forget those in need - whose hearts may fill from a flower indeed!
"You can have all the wisdom in the world, but if you don't have faith and aren't willing to step out and do something about it, nothing is going to happen." Grandmother Twylah Nitsch
"As the happiness of the people is the sole end of government, so the consent of the people is the only foundation of it, in reason, in morality, and the natural fitness of things." John Adams 1735-1826
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein 1879-1955
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow." Helen Keller
"The psychic faculty is for the study of spirit what the telescope is for the study of the stars." St. Clair Stobart
More Spiritual and Inspirational Quotes
Infinite One I cast my burdens to the infinite power source which renews my mind, restores my health, fills me with inspiration and guides me to happiness and fulfillment in all things. Forever and always, Amen |
Awakening I welcome thee Great Spirit to enter my heart and awaken my soul unto your higher goal. Fill me with your Light so that I may see with clarity and delight. |