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Mystic Encounters

What ARE Mystic encounters? Many types of encounters can be classified as mystical, i.e., any occurrence with a "disembodied" being or a being from another dimension that is without physical form in this dimension. Some can see this type of being in some form or within their inner vision. Others sense or hear them. "Other beings" that are non-human, including tree spirits, sister wind, rocks, animals, plants and planets, can also have meaningful, extraordinary encounters with us. How ever you may experience these types of communications, you'll know they're real.

Anything beyond the normally accepted reality would come under the description of mystical encounters and phenomena. Some types would be......

1) Telepathy -

Though more common than realized, humans are gifted with this type of communicative ability. Not only do we hear or receive the thoughts of others, they can receive ours. We are usually unaware of where these thoughts are coming from. Most often, they're from other people. Sometimes they originate from other entities as stated above, as well as, elements and elementals, bugs and birds, even beings from other galaxies and dimensions. Everything has energetic intelligence and can communicate.

By developing your "inner awareness" (sensitivity) and attuning (aligning) with these other energetic forms of expression, you can consciously perceive and initiate these communications.

2) Clairaudience -

...means clear hearing. This is a manifestation of telepathy where the words or sounds are distinctly heard either in the mind or outside of it, through the auditory system. These types of mystic encounters are outside of the obvious realm of speaking person to person through voice or signing, or from hearing normal sounds that don't have a physically apparent source.

3) Clairsentience -

...means clear sensing or clear feeling. Your senses are affected by unseen energetic elements. You may smell, touch or feel energies that don't have a physical source. Most common are smells of perfume or smoke (tobacco or wood). These are ways for 'spirit' to make their presence known.

Temperature changes, i.e., hot spots on your body, chills or even "psychic bugs" (where you feel like you're getting little bites or crawling sensations) are common.

You might feel as if someone has touched you or fiddled with your hair, or you may bump into someone who isn't physically there.

4) Clairvoyance -

...clear seeing. Usually psychics are called clairvoyants because they can see energies and visions with their second sight (inner eye/third eye), yet they also have clear hearing and feeling as well. That doesn't mean that they go through life seeing and knowing everything. Only Creator sees and knows All! It's that they have a more keenly attuned awareness than most of us.

Females and gay men are naturally more open to subtle energies and expanded awareness, hence "women's intuition." When men do develop their intuiting abilities, they can become powerful psychics due to their inherent focusing ability.

With clairvoyance, a person can see auras (energy around people and things), disembodied energies and beings, visions of past, present or future events and other non-physical phenomena. These mystic encounters can occur with eyes open or closed.

5) Premonitions -

Aspect of clairsentience when you get a strong sense of something about to happen, then it does.

6) Prophetic Dreams -

When you have a dream that comes to pass in real time. The dream doesn't always happen EXACTLY the way you perceived it in the dream state. Dreams are symbolic. The emotional elements are the tell-tale signs of a prophetic dream. Careful in letting highly charged emotional dreams take over your thoughts. This is sometimes the way that the subconscious mind releases strong emotions or fears. You usually don't know a dream is prophetic until it comes to pass. So, don't give extra energy and attention to an emotionally negative dream. If it is meant to be, you can't control it, but you don't have to give energy to it. Put the thought into Divine Hands. Ask that false visions be removed from your mind.

Juan's ghost

7) Apparitional Manifestations -

The seeing of an apparition or 'ghost' - one that appears to your normal vision, is the epitome of mystic encounters. Apparitions can become visible to us when the conditions are right. What we are seeing is a vibratory change in energy. Either they are vibrating more to our dimension or we are raising our vibration to theirs, or there is a vibratory change in the area or in both parties.

Some places are energetically charged, like a vortex, where energy can be experienced in supernatural ways. Oracles historically have been named such by the location of a mystical vortex i.e., Oracle at Delphi. In these magical places, sensitive people were able to perceive other worldly sights and sounds. They were purported to be able to contact deities and relay information.

Sometimes apparitions have no form, they are seen as smoke or energetic substance.

8) Materialization and De-materialization -

These count as mystic encounters because they are out of the scope of everyday occurrence. This is when objects or beings appear in 3D physical form and/or they disappear just as mysteriously.

Apports are one such phenomena. I was introduced to the term through spiritualism. Mediums would hold seances in which Spirit would supposedly materialize stones and trinkets in physical form to give to attendees. Some were so confident that they would advertise their seance to be an 'apport seance'. This of course would raise the expectation of a participant to receive such a gift from the spirit world.

I, in my skepticism, would discount the legitimacy of such seances, questioning how a medium could possibly ensure that every participant (or even some of them) receive an apport at every session. I have other issues with staged phenomena which I will discuss later.

I have had personal experiences with apports and de-materialization. My first occurred in my 20's. I had a bag of stones that I called my medicine bag. Being a rockhound, these particular stones were special to me. I kept them in a special place in my apartment. I would take them out weekly, if not more, to look at, feel and talk to. Being into numerology, I had a certain number of stones. Each one was different and had a different meaning to me.

One day I got them out and found that my piece of jade was gone. I was stunned. I knew no one could have taken it, I lived alone except for my little daughter who could not have found nor reached the bag (even if she could have, she'd have the whole bag out) and no one was ever there without me AND they were hidden. I was bummed and dumbfounded. I could only think that one of my spirit friends took it. I asked for it back and put them away.

Over the next month, I checked and rechecked with no luck. Then one day, my jade had returned to its place in my bag. I suppose it took a little journey and then re-materialized.

Sometimes this phenomena occurs right under our noses and we're not aware of it. Misplaced items resurface where they once were with no reasonable explanation.

Beings that haven't come to Earth in the normal way, have also been known to come and go in this physical plane. They are in full 3D form and can walk and talk like the rest of us, then instantly, they're gone.

9) Transfiguration -

This term signifies an image or features that are transposed over another. People have often experienced this by staring into a mirror. The face seems to change and images of other faces seem to appear. There are several theories about this phenomena from illusion to past life personas to a mirror being a portal to other dimensions. This is one aspect of the term.

Another is that the features of a person you are looking at changes right before your eyes. In these mystic encounters, spirit is being transposed over or onto another person; or a psychic vision of the person viewing the transfiguration is occurring.

A few incidences stand out in my mind from my own experience. My Grandmother was a trance medium. We sometimes had family seances in her basement. Being young with not much experience, I was VERY skeptical.

She contended in her work that anything done in the dark can also be done in the light. So she would have candlelit sessions. I was sitting across from her this particular time with a coffee table between us. I had my eyes closed because we always began with prayer and meditation.

Suddenly I heard her voice change to her "joy guide". I opened my eyes and saw that her face had transformed into that of a little girl! Her eyes were bright, shiny and round. She had a big, happy, childlike smile. Her whole appearance and demeanor was youthful. She was looking directly at me when I opened my eyes. I freaked at her looks and closed my eyes. That was my first noted experience.

A more recent time was early in my relationship with my current husband. We were getting to know each other by extended periods of talking. One night I was surprised to see that his face, gestures and sound, kept changing into those of other men in my past. I saw friends, family members, as well as intimate partners transposed over him. It was as if he were them. I couldn't concentrate on his words anymore, all I noticed was one person after another, showing their image over him. It upset me.

I talked to a fellow minister about it. My worry was that the qualities of these others were embodied in him. A BIG turn off. My friend suggested a more acceptable interpretation, that it represented more the ending of one cycle and its cumulative energies than a continuance. I felt relieved by that and moved forward with the relationship. I'm glad I asked for an 'outside' opinion.

10) Psychometry -

This is when you see images and feel impressions from objects. This is a method of giving "readings". An Intuitive holds a personal item of the person they're reading for to receive info. A personal item carries the energetic imprint of a person, especially an item that is worn by the person alot (ring, watch, etc.) or something that has been with a person for a long time.

11) Automatic Writing -

Mystic encounters that involve the receipt of information through the medium of writing...some say that the hand is guided without their conscious involvement. A more common form is "inspirational" writing. This is when you are basically taking dictation from a disembodied or other dimensional source. The writing just flows from a stream of thought that is projected into your consciousness. More on that later.

12) Psychic Art -

There are many forms of this activity from doodling (without conscious effort), to seeing images transposed onto paper or another medium, to perceiving clairvoyant images, then drawing or painting them.

I have known some gifted psychic artists. When they give an image to a person, usually with a message, the receiving person confirms the relevance of the subject matter and the message as it pertains to them personally.

13 Instantaneous Healing -

The importance of mystic encounters is evident here. One of the biggies, a healing that takes place instantly, a miracle. I have witnessed these as have others that I know and respect. The faith and belief of the person receiving the healing is such that it can occur instantly. For most of us, our beliefs and level of acceptance gets in the way. Healing over time is more in line with our expectations. Do not be held back by this, BELIEVE, then receive!

14) Astral Projection -

This is when your consciousness leaves your body. This is often reported in stressed situations of the body, i.e., during an accident, heart attack, near-death experience, or sickness. It can also happen in meditation, sometimes it's the goal.

I had a friend that claimed he once 'coughed' himself out of his body. He was very sick. He was lying on his couch during a bad coughing episode, when suddenly he was on the ceiling looking down at himself on the couch. It scared him, he thought he was about to die. He didn't. But now he's a believer!

15) Spirit Journey -

This is related to astral projection and remote viewing. It is a phase of meditation where you disconnect your consciousness from your body to travel to other realms. You will likely have many mystic encounters on a spirit journey. Remember, all realms, including the physical 3D realm, is in the realm of mind, the Great Mind of Creator, therefore, travel to other realms is achievable. This type of journey brings you into contact with other beings as well as other realities. It is not your imagination as some would have you believe.

16) Miracles -

The unexpected and extraordinary events that happen that are above and beyond everyday occurrences. The deluxe of mystic encounters. These are good surprises.

17) UFO & USO Sightings -

...unidentified craft in the skies or beneath the waters that defy known capabilities of the crafts of our race.

I have seen one that I'm certain of. One night, while standing on my back porch, I was watching what I thought was a very high plane. It was moving steadily in a straight direction. Suddenly it flew off quickly at a sharp right angle and disappeared. I was quite surprised because I didn't expect it, but I was already sure of their validity.

18) Strange Happenings -

All other mystic encounters fall under this category, unexplained or unconfirmed sightings, experiences and events.

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