Align your mind with ur Soul Shine
An unlikely minister, ordained first by Spirit then at their request, by a Spiritualist Church. I have chosen to serve the Light and Love of the Most high - which is my beloved Creator.
I have not a church structure. The Earth is my church - it is where I serve.
I have no pulpit - just my pen, my paper and my PC.
I have no dogma, as I am always open to learn.
My alter rests upon my heart.
"We are called, out of darkness into marvelous light." Galatians 1:15
But don't get me wrong, I'm just a guest on this beautiful Earth in which I rest.
I'm no angel, I'm no saint, I'm just a human, pious I ain't.
I've been known to party a bit too much, scream and holler and sometimes cuss.
I can be quick to anger and stubborn as steel, but to my God - I will always kneel.
My heart overflows with love and compassion, as the Holy Ones ignite my inner passion.
Asked to serve, without knowing how, I've accepted the challenge to fulfill my vow.
So here am I, a regular Jane Doe, following my heart to see where it goes.
Bear with me as I hobble along, these shoes are new, but know - they're strong.
My commitment is sealed, my sword in hand, I'm ready to be led, to Love's Promised Land.
We are only visitors here and we can come and go.
Our bodies are our vehicles for our Soul's to use and grow.
Each life here is a part we play on the stage of physicality.
We are born to learn how to create our personal and collective reality.
We are One Soul on a journey through time and we create as we go.
Our choices determine the fate of our futures, both singularly and as a Whole.
I hope you feel, a stirring inside, to join High Love and in Light to abide.
U are needed - all hands on deck - to turn the tide and avoid a wreck.
Listen to the Spirit call, come one, come all.
To transform our future, we have to start....
to mend humanity's broken heart.
"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the way and not starting." Buddha
Wondering why all the rhymes? Some of my guides talk to me that way, but I found out that the reading of rhythmic poetry balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, especially when read aloud. Good to know!
I'm sure they brought that to my attention so I'd quit being annoyed by it.